Monday, January 19, 2015

Does waiting always worth the wait???

 Is there anything more tiring than to wait for something that you are not sure of?
 Did you ever talk to your self and said: "Hey, what am I doing to my life? am I wasting it for nothing?

(As I was writing this blog post, the song entitled "The words I would say" in my praise/worship songs playlist played, and the lyrics that hit me are "Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope, you gotta do great things I already know, God's got his hand on you so don't live life in fear.......Take your time and pray... His love will find your way- Oh, my Dearest GOD, you amazed me all the time ) 

 Maybe there are always times in our life that we need to wait, to have patience in everything, Trust GOD that we will have our Victory in the end, and the long wait will be worth it. 

Waiting is not an easy part of life, it takes a lot of process. And the hardest part of it is: "We don't even know if the answer will be Yes or No (Positive or negative). 
Whatever the things we're waiting just always remember that God will not allow us to wait too long if it is not worth it. 
